Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Learning to Run All Over Again

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Learning to Run All Over Again

I know I said I would try to keep this from becoming a "today I had toast with jam" blog, but I thought I might as well add this in and if you don't like it... don't read it (but read all the other interesting stuff I'm writing about.

Yesterday I did what I had in my mind for weeks now: I signed up for a Run Clinic. Yes. I did. This is not a joke. For those of you who know me, you're probably wondering why I would join a clinic after training with a University Program for the last 7 years (ok, two different University programs over that time). Well, it all comes down to having people to run with. Since my recent leaving of University (or more importantly, the ending of my eligibility - though that's a controversy and a half on it's own) I have no one to run with. I also got really out of shape during my practicum and thus had to wipe out my outdoor track season.

So, I decided to focus on the Royal Victoria Half Marathon in October. I probably could have trained for this on my own (even though the longest race I have ever done is less than half of a half marathon), but I thought it would be nice to train with people - even if I am fitter than they are (try not to read any cockyness from this - I could be wrong and not be the fastest in the group). If anyone out there wants to challenge me, I'm in the Half Marathon group at Peninsula Runners in Victoria, B.C. (the leaders are much faster than I am, so that makes me think they know their stuff).

Anyway, I have actually gotten excited about this and thought it would be a good idea to have weekly updates to how the clinic is going (to inspire some of you to do the same thing). I also think I can outdo my fellow UVic runner in his blogging about his training. Since it starts this Wednesday I don't have too much to say yet, but rest assured I will next week.

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