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Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Friday the 13th! (Revisited, Apparently)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th! (Revisited, Apparently)

While browsing through old posts of mine, I came across this one.  What is really kind of strange is that it was 5 years ago to the day (well, it would be a multiple of one month).  I guess with the two leap years (+2 days) that makes sense.  Not much to say really, that I haven't said in the first post.  I can't say I've had bad luck on the Friday the 13ths I've had in between, though certainly I've had some bad luck (well, it was others' bad luck) on April 1st and 29th.

Really, it's all just a coincidence.  Bad stuff happens on every day, but we probably focus on it more on days like today when we expect things to happen.  Though this year it's the second of three we'll have (January and July are the other two).  Did I ever mention I was almost born on a Friday the 13th?  Missed it by 10 hours and about 20 minutes.

According to Wikipedia, there are a few possible reasons for the superstition.  I'll let you browse those if you'd like, but I will point out that the reason popularized by Dan Brown in the DaVinci Code is most likely false.

I should also note that this is really only a Western phenomenon.  While in Korea, the number 4 is the unlucky one.  In many buildings, they won't have a fourth floor.  At our school, guess which floor the teacher's office was on?

Well, enjoy your day (actually, I realize that if you're reading this from any of my former countries of residence), it's not quite April 13th yet.  Isn't it neat living in the future?

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