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Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Movie Review: Project X

Monday, April 09, 2012

Movie Review: Project X

It's been a while since I saw this, so things aren't so fresh in my mind at the moment.

Project X is about three boys (Thomas, Costa, and JB) who throw a birthday party when one of their parents go away for the weekend. The boys aren't exactly popular and are trying to use the party to change that. It begins with the boys planning the party and going all over to get. My first warning to you is that if you can't handle excessive bad language and crudeness, don't even bother. You'll get offended in the first 30 seconds or so. Anyone who's seen the trailers for this movie will be forgiven for not being nervous for the boys, since you'll know that the party does happen and that people do show up.

Basically what follows would be the proverbial "Gong Show." People arrived, get drunk and do crazy stuff. It sounds boring (and to some it would be), but it has it's funny moments (for example, the over-the-top security guards).

Throughout the story there is a love triangle (when is there not?) as the party escalates into utter chaos. The ending is a bit over the top, but I think that's the point. This is definitely a movie that caters to the imaginations of teens and others slightly older, so don't expect much in the way of insights into life, but be ready to see some things you just thought you'd never see.

The acting is fairly well done. I found the boys to be completely believable, though why any of them would be friends with Costa is beyond me, but that's the way highschool goes I guess. I heard a rumour that the boys were cast through some sort of contest, though I'm too lazy at the moment to look it up so I could be completely wrong.

Anyway, if you like crude humour (American Pie, Hangover, etc.) then you'll probably enjoy this. It's one of a recent group of found footage films (Cloverfield, Chronicle) that I personally enjoy. So there you have it. Not for everyone, but definitely worth it if you can stomach the juvenileness of the whole thing.

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