Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Welcome to my Blog

Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

Lately I've been learning more and more about computers. What's that you say? I'm the techie expert? Well, yes and no. I can learn computer stuff pretty easily, but I'm not up to date on everything. But that has been changing lately. ANYWAY..... I've been getting addicted to the blogs of my friends and relatives and thought: "Hey, I can do that!" So I decided to take the splash, and this is the result.

While walking home from a grocery trip today I starting thinking about what I would talk about. I thought of a lot of things, but I'm not really an expert on any of them. So I came to a decision: I'm going to post about all of the things I know about. I'm going to try to stay on something of a schedule. Since I like alliteration, I came up with these ideas on my walk (I tend to get a little OCD about things like this):

  • Music on Mondays
  • Teaching on Tuesdays
  • Wondering on Wednesday
  • Technology on Thursday
  • Food on Friday
  • Sports on Saturday (and Sunday)

I thought I should do some sort of environmental thing, so I'll try to fit those in somewhere...

As my friends, I may also ask you to occasionally make guest posts (just because I like different viewpoints).

One thing I want to try is to use this as a learning tool. I encourage anyone who can make contrubitions to do so - even if it's exposing my lack of basic knowledge. Please be nice when commenting, and I'll be nice when posting.

Anyway, I'll probably wait until Saturday for my first all out post (which I've been meticulously planning in my head since that walk). I only hope you can contain yourselves until then...

1 comment:

Andrew McCartney said...

The Blog looks great, very clever, very funny! Looking forward reading on.
ciao for now,
PS. let me know if you want to go for a run some time