Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: The First Step to Solving Any Computer Problem

Friday, May 18, 2007

The First Step to Solving Any Computer Problem

Before I relate this true story from today, I thought I should mention that due to circumstances beyond my control I have not had the time to make the posts I had wanted to make today. If time allows this weekend I may make posts on days that they're not supposed to be on. I have the next few days off of school (4 day weekend! - sort of, I still have to go in tomorrow) and will be able to write a lot then.

In the meantime I shall relate a story to you from school today (that is related to technology):

I had sent my grade 5's to the computer lab to write their good copies of poems we had been working on this week. I was talking with some students in the class when two students returned to tell me and my host teacher that several of the computers weren't working. My host teacher followed them to the lab to solve the problem, while I stayed back and helped the students I was helping. When I was done, I went to the lab to check on the students and found my host teacher looking all around the tables to see what was unplugged. I walked to one of the computers and looked at the screen. It had some bouncing boxes on it saying the monitor was plugged in but to check the cables. I looked closely..... and taught a few people a very valuable lesson: Often the problem is much simpler than it looks. I turned the computers on and the problem was solved. I had a grin that must have stretched ear to ear at this point.

Moral of the story: if you're computer isn't working, always check to make sure it's on before you get help.

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