Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: A Little Poem

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A Little Poem

At my school I am teaching my class poetry. This week I introduced Limericks and wrote some examples for them. Here is one that got a rise out of the class (remember, I teach in Victoria, BC):

There's a team that we call the Canucks
Who just happen to be playing the Ducks
They struggle to score
Their games are a bore
Soon they'll be golfing and saying “Aw shucks!”

I told them they could write responses to this, so I may post any if they write good ones.

Do you have any responses to this? Please post your responses in a comment.

1 comment:

thefuzzymethod said...

there once was a team called the leafs
they tricked you and made you believe
that they had half a chance,
but were handed their ass
they've been golfing for what? a month now?

(i am leafs nation through and through, but clearly, as i am also a red sox fan, i am a glutton for punishment)