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Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Movie Review: Frequency

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Movie Review: Frequency

I bought Frequency a couple of weeks ago at HMV for really cheap. It was one of those movies I had seen a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised by it. Let me first state that even though some may label this as Sci-fi, it most definitely is not and would better be filed under fantasy. Why do I make that distinction? Well, the biggest beef I have with this movie is that it causes several problems with time travel (though there isn't really any time travel in the movie)... Anyway.

The movie centers around a father and a son, 30 years apart. The father (Dennis Quaid) died in a fire in 1969 while his son (James Caviezel) is living in 1999. The two become connected by an old radio which apparently can talk through time because of the northern lights over New York city (this I don't have as much problem with as the later lack of logic in the world). The son gives the father advice and saves him from his accident in the fire. This sets off a chain of events which leads to his mother being murdered by a serial killer (though far-fetched, it seems somewhat believable - kind of like all the alternate realities of The Butterfly Effect). The movie follows the father-son duo as they try to save the woman they both love (one as a son!) across the bridge of time. My issue with the movie is that every time something changes in the past, the changes in the future happen, but the son is still the same person and the connection was there all along. If the original changes happened, there was the chance the son in the future would have been a different person (I think losing your father at 6 years old might do that to you), but surprisingly he is the same person.

The time travel issues aside, I think this is a very entertaining movie and definitely worth a watch. Not the best made film, but entertainment that delivers. I give this a 3/5. Pretty Good.

I swear I'll do something other than a movie review soon. It takes a lot longer to read a book!

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