Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Finding Nutritional Data

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Finding Nutritional Data

Ok, so I will admit I am being lazy today, but I have a good excuse: my life is extremely busy right now. Anyway, I think this post will start several other posts about reading nutrition labels and what to look for, but this is much simpler.

If you want to know the nutritional information of a food, I suggest you check out This site has a large database of the nutritional data for lots of foods. I'l be honest and say I haven't really checked it that thoroughly, but it is definitely worth a shot to look at. I checked out raw Bananas and they seemed to have a lot of information there. They also had nutritional information for some fast food restaurants (if you're concerned about that kind of stuff, I'm a little confused why you would want to eat there... but to each their own I guess).

The site has some other features as well that look interesting, including a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator and recipes. Check it out and see if it will help you. It's not one I use often, but I can see how it can be useful.

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