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Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Trying to Reduce Their Environmental Impact

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Trying to Reduce Their Environmental Impact

Today's post will be brief. It was brought to my attention (and it was posted in a comment on this blog) that there was some recent media attention given to people who are going to great lengths to reduce their impact on the environment. Since I talked about simple ways people can act to help the environment last week (and got some great feedback from my readers! - by the way, I'm tallying up those results hopefully very soon), I thought this would be a great way to continue that discussion (future plans include going in-depth on some of those ways mentioned last week).

Anyway, the article I was referring to was "Zero is the New Black" written by Margaret Wente in the Globe and Mail on Saturday April 7th, 2007. Unfortunately, you have to pay to see the article, but maybe you will want to do that. This was an interesting article coming from this author as she is often criticized for her SUV driving habits.

The article talks about a few different people, among them is Colin Beavan, the No Impact Man. In his blog he explains that :

No Impact Man is my experiment with researching, developing and adopting a way of life for me and my little family—one wife, one toddler, one dog—to live in the heart of New York City while causing no net environmental impact. To do this, we will decrease the things we do that hurt the earth—make trash, cause carbon dioxide emissions, for example—and increase the things we do that help the earth—clean up the banks of the Hudson River, give money to charity, rescue sea birds, say.
Check it out as it has some interesting information and insight as well as some interesting links. Apparently there is a movie and book coming out in 2009.

A second blog, written by EnviroWoman - sorry, I couldn't find her real name in my quick search - is discussed in the article. She details her quest to live plastic free in this blog.

Both blogs are interesting reads and may give you suggestions to help reduce your impact, or - if you're ambitious - eliminate your impact on the environment.

Thanks go to Alex for bringing this to my attention.

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