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Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Linking Tutors and Students

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Linking Tutors and Students

This site came to me from Lifehacker a few days ago and I thought I should share it with you on Tuesday (because, despite what the last few days would suggest, I am trying to stick to my original schedule).

Tutorlinker is a free site (so far) that helps tutors and students link up with each other. Tutors simply sign up and fill out their details (a process which can be quick – and if you have errors like I did, a little slower, but the staff was extremely quick in fixing my problems) and you're set. If you're looking for a tutor, all you have to do is type in your address (or your city) and the site will show you all the tutors that are close to you. You can click on them to find details about how far they will travel, what they can tutor and how much they cost. Doing a quick search as of this writing and I am the only one in Victoria so far (though I hope many of my friends in Education will sign up and pass the word on) but other cities have several tutors registered. Potentially this could be a very helpful tool for students, parents and tutors make the process much easier. This avoids the costly tutoring agencies (which I'm told can charge twice as much as they pay their tutors) and it allows for parents to shop around.

I would try this if I were you. I am going to be passing the site on to the parents in my class and all the teachers I know so hopefully this will be something that parents start using and can be effective.

If you're neither student, parent or tutor, then I guess this doesn't really apply to you (well, maybe if you want to advertise on their site – I hear they are looking for advertisers!)

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