Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Problem of the Day: Part II

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Problem of the Day: Part II

I got to thinking that once a week perhaps isn't the most interesting (especially considering how quickly the last problems were solved), so I thought I would slip a few more in this week. I may or may not make this a regular thing, but that will depend on how fast people answer. I also had some issues with getting my post for today written on time, so I'm posting this now to give me a bit more time to write today's post. I know these don't have anything to do with today's theme, but I might as well give them... Today's problems are riddles. I have specific answers in mind, but other answers will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If they make sense, I will give points for them. 1 point for each correct answer.

The riddles are:

  1. What do you put on a table, cut and then pass around, but would never actually eat?
  2. A father has three daughters who were all born on June 5th, 1985. They are, however, not triplets. Explain.
  3. What is impossible to hold for an hour, yet weights virtually nothing?

Good Luck!

The responses from the last problem were correct:
  1. o, t, t, f, f, s, s, e (the first letter of the numbers 1-8)
  2. j, f, m, a, m, j, j, a (the first letter of the months January - August)
  3. 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 3 or 10 (the numbers in alphabetical order 1-9 or 1-10)


thefuzzymethod said...

1. cards.
2. the father is a cheating jerk.
3. conversation

thefuzzymethod said...

ha ha ha, sorry, i was trying to say "conversation with nanny" but i hit enter too fast/
i know an actual, non-joking answer, is your breath

Anonymous said...

The father might not be a cheating jerk. He could be a sperm donor...or they could be adopted...or they could be all be the product of some kinky orgy...
I'm going to stop now.


Michael D said...

There are some right answers and some wrong answers.... sorry for lack of specifics, but I'm trying to encourage more responses

thefuzzymethod said...

i think you should just let carly and i go head to head week after week. (and keep mom and her borderline dirty comments) out of it!

thefuzzymethod said...

for #2. they are 3 of a set of quadruplets!

Michael D said...

Cards, Quadruplets, and breath are the three answers I was looking for.

I will give a point though for getting some good guesses in

Maybe I should start posting at a specific time so that people know to check it. I'm sure others can answer the questions, but just don't get their answers in on time... I guess working stuff like this out is one of the challenges of having a blog...