Performancing Metrics

Thoughts of a Piece of Dust: Problem of the Day Part IV

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Problem of the Day Part IV

I am making some changes to the problem of the day so that it is fair to all involved. Please do not post any of your responses on here. Instead I ask you to submit your responses to this email I have set up to deal with this blog:

This way anyone who wants to try the problems can try. Everyone who submits correct responses will be credited with a point. Unless otherwise noted, only one response per person will be accepted, so make sure you have the correct answer (unless I explain that there is more than on answer).

The answers for last week that I accepted:

  1. 99+9/9 = 100

  2. 55/5-5 = 6

  3. ((7 + 7) * 7) + (7/7) + (7/7) = 100 OR 777/7 – 77/7 = 100

That's 3 points for Heather D. I know someone can catch her. I heard she was bragging about getting all of these.

This weeks is part of a larger group of problems. Each of these expressions are missing words. Lucky for you, the words are replaced by the first letter in the word. It is up to you to decipher these expressions or phrases. I will give you the answer to the first one as an example and then you're on your own. You can earn up to 9 points in this round, so do what you can. Entries are due by 11:59pm on Monday April 23rd:

1. 12 M in a Y (12 Months in a Year)

2. 29 D in F in a L Y

3. 26 L in the A

4. 3 B M (S H T R)

5. 7 D in a W

6. S W and the 7 D

7. 12 S of the Z

8. 60 M in an H

9. 1001 A N

10. 200 D for P G in M

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

uh oh. i think i just blew this for everyone. can i take that comment back? sorry, michael. :S

Michael D said...

I have removed the post temporarily. Email me at with what you have

thefuzzymethod said...

hey! i wasn't bragging, i was trying to make mom try harder!
anyway, thanks! this was the perfect break from studying for my HR exam! (i will be emailing my answers shortly)

Anonymous said...

If I was at home instead of in Kitimat I would've remembered to check your blog and I would've been further ahead in the points!!! This is way more fair! Heather is going down!
